The Dior perfume advert represents freedom and an idealistic lifestyle. The balloons are pulling the model up and away from normal society so it connotes better lifestyles, the background birdseye view of Paris shows an fanciful life in a romantic city. Paris is shown as small in the background of the picture which focuses the attention on the model. The model is wearing pink which is a colour that implies love and romance, she is holding a huge bottle of perfume which also draws the eye and links the perfume to the idealized scene. I like that the picture is colourful and attracts attention if seen in a magazine or on a billboard. I think that I will have a very colourful perfume bottle to be striking in the advert to catch the audiences eye.

The Gucci Envy advert shows two models about to kiss which implies that using Envy will make other people envious of the consumer. The perfume bottle is the only item in colour in the scene and balances well with the picture of the models so they don't outshine each other. The trademark 'Gucci' and the perfume name 'Envy' is written in white which contrasts against the skin of the models and stands out. I like the idea of the words being a contrasting colour to the scene behind it because it can be read easily and is prominent in the scene.

The Calvin Klein advert has very dull tones and the purfume bottles are in colour, this implies that the perfume 'Escape' will brighten up the consumers life. The trademark is in big letters because some consumers like brand names. The scene is quite large and the models seem to overshadow the perfume bottle but the perfume name is huge and this balances it out. I like that the female model is wearing a dress because it looks seductive. The perfume is for both males and females so I like that there is both genders in the picture to show this.

Britney Spears perfume is shown with connotations of animals and nature, the perfume is green which stands out against the soft colours of the scene. The model wears white to symbolise innocence and the slogan "The greatest freedom is to believe in yourself" ties in with the freedom of birds. Most of the birds in the scene are in white cages which also ties to the model to imply that she has power over the freedom of the bird and therefore herself. I like that the model interacts with the other things in the scene.

This advert looks quite sophisticated becuase the black, purple and blue colours look edgy and refined. The model is wearing black and has her hair tied back which looks professional and implies and good career and this is an idealistic lifestlye. The model looks like a career women which targets career women or women who want a career. The scene is involved with the perfume becuase the model is holding the perfume and appears to have written out the perfume name. The perfume name is the centre point of the advert and attracts the most attention. I like the seductiveness of the model wearing black becuase it can look both professional and mysterious.

This Calvin Klein advert is different from the other one, it has very bright colours to signify summer and freshness which is implied by the sea and sand. There are no models in the advert but it still has a scene, although it is not as active as most adverts that have models in. The advert is simple and clean which is quite different from other adverts that have either romance or sexual implications in them. The empty background of the sea also connotes opportunity and changes in lifestyle becuase of the sea. The advert is radically different from most other ads but still has many, if not more, implications behind it that make the advert interesting. I like the simplness of this advert.

This Chanel advert is quite sexual and uses a well known actress as the model Keira Knightley. The model is not wearing clothes and covers herself with a white cloth and a black hat which implies that she has a lover becuase the white cloth looks like a mans shirt. The advert represents a idealistic lifestlye and makes the consumer want the perfume. The perfume bottle is quite a bright colour which draws the eye and is situated right next to the model to keep her in the eyeline. The background behind the modell and perfume bottle isn't too active so it keeps the consumers attention on them, the background is quite simple. I like the use ot spot lights on the background becuase they are in line with the models face and make her look etheral and surreal, it also makes the perfume bottle look brighter becuase it looks like it has a spotlight on it too which draws attention.
Excellent research; note the Britney Spear's "believe" advertisement emphasis is on seduction not innocence; all the women in the adverts you have researched are objectified in that they're represented voyeuristically - as sex objects. It would be worth your while googling Laura Mulvey's Theory of the Male Gaze - I think you are fairly ahead of game here and may wish to see if the theory applies to the 5 examples you discuss. Who is the intended audience for these adverts? Think about which gender would derive the most pleasure from them.