Good graphics x18
Stereotyped actors and actress's x5
Bad Acting x1
Expensive Sets x7
Famous Actors x4
Good Acting x2
I expected that the audience members wouldn't know much about the difference between mainstream and independent films which the questionnaire showed as many of the questionnaire takers wrote similar things for question one and two. I also expected questionnaire takers to think Hollywood films have more CGI and expensive sets which was proved by the responses of the questionnaire as 18 out of the 20 takers thought mainstream films had good graphics, 7 of the responders thought that Hollywood films had expensive sets which implies that mainstream films have a bigger budget that independent films.
2. What would you expect from an independently made Thriller film?
Original storyline x4
Bad/little graphics x11
Bad Acting x1
Good Acting x7
Unknown Actors x6
Less Expensive x1
Good Soundtrack x1
Most responders of the questionnaire thought that independent films were bad with bad graphics and acting. Independent films generally have very good acting and an original or contraversial storyline with little graphics becuase they are expensive, only a few questionnaire takers wrote those elements in thier expectations of independent films. 11 out of 20 takers thought that little or bad graphics, I don't think that the questionnaire takers had seen many independent films because little to none of them have CGI or graphics because of the cost.
3. What type of settings and locations would you expect to see in Thriller films?

Most people expected: dark places, night time, abandoned houses and warehouse/factories in Thrillers. I believe this is because many people associate Thrillers with Horror genre and think of Horror's when asked about Thrillers. The most chosen locations were locations that are either very big that look eerie if deserted or dark places that look eerie in general. It shows that most people prefer scary and creepy locations, this may be because if something bad happens to the character then the audience can disassociate themselves as the locations are unfamiliar to them. I think that most people expect a Thriller to be scary and therefore expect the location to be peculiar.
4. Which type of character do you prefer in Thriller?

a quarter of the quesntionnaire takers prefered the Male character to be the hero and nearly a quarter expected the male to become the hero in order to protect family in friends. This follows the stereotype that many Hollywood and mainstream films follow and it is an expectation of Thrillers for many of the responders. Nearly a quater of the takers prefered the male to be the distressed character in need of saving, this may be because it goes against the stereotypes that many films follow. The same amount of takers thought that the male characters willingness and unwillingness to help was prefered, perhaps because it makes a more interesting storyline as the male then has to either learn to help or learn to like helping. I think that all of there preferences are because of the questionnaire takers opinions of Hollywood films, whether they like the characters how they are shown in many of the films or how they think the storyline could be made more interesting.

Most of the questionnaire takers prefered the female character to be a willing helper in the Thriller films rather than the sterotypical damsel in distress or the complete opposite hero. I think that most people prefered the female to be a willing helper becuase then the male and female are partners or equals and it makes a more interesting storyline because of the differences and possible romance. More responders prefered the unwilling acceptance of thier role and the protecting of family and friends characters over the damsel and hero, I think this may be because it adds depth to the character and therefore the storyline.
5. Which Thriller genre do you prefer and why?
Horror - interesting and creates suspense x2
Horror - Scary x3
Horror - Funny
Horror - Not often shown on TV
Action - Interesting, lots of explosions/fights x7
Action - Different from everyday life
Action - Fast paced, Dark and Epic.
Crime Drama - Interesting, identifable storyline
Suspense - Keeps you guessing, subtle
None - Don't watch Thrillers
Noir - Old Fashioned
I expected the most prefered Thriller genre's would be Horror and Action because it was the most used genre. I was correct that Horror and Action were the most prefered genre, but there are a variety of reasons to as why they are prefered. Actions was most liked because it was interesting and had lots of explosions and fights, Horrors were most liked because of the scare-factor which many people find interesting.
6. What is memorable about Thriller films?

I expected the most memorable elements of Thrillers to be characters and music are they are greatly emphasized, surprisingly it is the storyline that is the most memorable, this may be because many newer Thrillers develop plot rather than characters, and music, which is normally emphasized in Horrors is still only memorable in the older Horrors rather than newer ones. Graphics are also very memorable to many questionnaire takers, I think this is because graphics are improving and are used in Thrillers for memorable moments such as gory deaths, firey explosions, impossible feats of physics, and dangerous stunts.
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