1) Are You Male or Female?
2) What Is Your Age? …………
3) Where Do You Hear About Films? (eg; Trailers, Posters, Word-of-mouth)
4) Which Genre Do You Prefer to Watch? (Choose Three)
Thriller, Romance, Comedy, Rom-Com, Fantasy, Action, Historical, Sci-fi, Drama, Family, Horror, Crime, Mystery, Musical, War/Political,
Other (please state) ……………
5) Where Do You Watch Films Most?
(If You Chose ‘Cinema’ Please Answer Question 6, If Not Please Skip)
6) Where Do You Go To Watch Films?
Cinema City
Hollywood Screen Cinema
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Questionnaire Results For Media Audiences - General

I asked the question "Are you male or female" because in my proposal I wanted to know if males and females have different preferences of genres and how they found out about films. I gave 10 questionnaires out to males and 10 out to females so I would have more balanced results.

I asked "How do you hear about films" and tallied the results. I found that most of the people who answered the questionnaire found out about films through trailers, but they also found out through other means such as word of mouth and posters. I noticed that more males found out about films through word of mouth than females and more females found out about films through posters than males. It seems that males who took my questionnaire tell each other about films they've seen more than the females, this could be because they're are currently more male targetted films screening at Norwich cinemas such as '2012' and 'Jennifers Body'.

I found with this question about genres that the 10 females who took the questionniare liked Thriller and Horror more than the 10 males that took the questionnaire, and that the males liked Comedy and Action more than the females. Comedy was a choice for most of the questionnaire takers. I think that Action films was chosen more by males because Action films are mostly targetted at males, and I think that females liked Thrillers and Horrors more because of the atmosphere that they create - "It's the thrill of getting freaked out which makes you want to watch Horror films once in a while" (Female Questionnaire Taker)

Most of the males and females that took the questionnaire prefered to watch films at the cinema or on TV rather than the internet. I asked why they chose the answers they did (many of the takers choose more than one) to get qualitative data. These are the results I got:
Cinema -
"I like the big screen, it's a quiet romantic place"
"Best quality"
"Better experience" x2
"To be with friends"
TV -
"It can be with friends and family and it has breaks"
"Cheaper" x3
Internet -
"Can't be bothered to leave the house"
The males had varied responses to why they liked the cinema/TV/internet. Most of the males that chose the TV chose it because of money, while the males that chose the cinema chose it because of experience/quailty and social reasons.
Cinema -
"To be with friends" x4
"Experience" x2
TV -
"Cheaper" x3
"Easier" x3
Internet -
"Quicker" x2
The female takers had less varied responses than the males, the ones that chose TV and Internet said it was easy and cheap and the ones that chose the cinema said it was for the experience and to be with friends.

Most male and female takers liked viewing films at the Vue, I think this is because it is the easiest to get to as it is in the middle of the city. Vue has more screens and screenings for newly released films so it is more prefered by both male and female teenagers.
Proposal For Media Audiences - General
I will write a questionnaire about how people hear about films, which genres they watch and where they go to watch them. I want to know if males aged 16-18 watch different types of films and go to different places compared to females of the same age.
I will ask mostly multiple answer questions to get some quantitative data but I will also ask some open ended questions for qualitative data.
Question Example:
Where Do You Watch Films Most?
This gives both quantitative and qualitative data.
I will ask mostly multiple answer questions to get some quantitative data but I will also ask some open ended questions for qualitative data.
Question Example:
Where Do You Watch Films Most?
This gives both quantitative and qualitative data.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Notes on Film Openings
LA Confidential

Conventional film noir themes:
- Voiceover
- Dark room, lit with lamps
- Iconic props, guns, cigerettes
- sets a timeframe of the 80s/90s with the old fashioned type writers and attitude to family life.
Non-conventional film noir themes:
- Mood is happy
- Bright sunshine, natural light
- Jazzy music
- Colour
- Wide open spaces
- Public places
Music starts before picture. Voiceover sets a scene of LA being wonderful and amazing, but he suddenly changes and talks about the dark side of LA which contrasts his happy demenour and the jazzy music.
Main characters introduced nut not much is said about his personality. Audience cant relate to him yet. Talks about the image of LA and how wrong it is. The voiceover talks about criminals quite lightly, saying a bodyguard is a "dapper gent" which puts a upbeat spin on a dark subject.

Conventional film noir themes:
- Voiceover
- Dark room, lit with lamps
- Iconic props, guns, cigerettes
- sets a timeframe of the 80s/90s with the old fashioned type writers and attitude to family life.
Non-conventional film noir themes:
- Mood is happy
- Bright sunshine, natural light
- Jazzy music
- Colour
- Wide open spaces
- Public places
Music starts before picture. Voiceover sets a scene of LA being wonderful and amazing, but he suddenly changes and talks about the dark side of LA which contrasts his happy demenour and the jazzy music.
Main characters introduced nut not much is said about his personality. Audience cant relate to him yet. Talks about the image of LA and how wrong it is. The voiceover talks about criminals quite lightly, saying a bodyguard is a "dapper gent" which puts a upbeat spin on a dark subject.
Notes on Film Openings
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

The main character is portrayed as a wheeler-dealer in the opening of the movie, he can be related to Del boy from 'Only Fools and Horses' which gives the audience an expectation of what may happen in the film.
Conventional film noir features:
- Themes of crime
- Stairways
- Voiceover
Non-conventional film noir features:
- Public places
- Natural daylight
- Personality of character, light-hearted, funny,
British gangster films represent criminality in terms of lovable rogues and cheeky guys, its fails to engages with themes of morality and humanity like in film noir films.

The main character is portrayed as a wheeler-dealer in the opening of the movie, he can be related to Del boy from 'Only Fools and Horses' which gives the audience an expectation of what may happen in the film.
Conventional film noir features:
- Themes of crime
- Stairways
- Voiceover
Non-conventional film noir features:
- Public places
- Natural daylight
- Personality of character, light-hearted, funny,
British gangster films represent criminality in terms of lovable rogues and cheeky guys, its fails to engages with themes of morality and humanity like in film noir films.
Notes on Film Openings
Layer Cake
- Camera merges between scenes, long slow panning shots, slow motion.
- British markers (cobble stones, zebra crossing)
- Modern
- Theme, crime and drug industry,
- Main character is smartly dressed but not enough to stand out in a crowd.
- Camera constantly moving in the opening scenes which creates a smoothness in the scenes.
- Camera shots used to try and include the audience,
- Voiceover makes the audience feel close to the main character, film noir convention.
- Lighting used to draw audience attention to specific people and objects such as the table which two of the characters are working on.
- Lighting with the main character is warm, lighting on drugs is detatched and clinical.
The main character has a sense of humour and has all the qualities of a good person, except he isn't. These qualities make his relatable to the audience and the danger aspect of his job makes him seem exciting and adventurous.
Most of the lighting in the opening is natural in daylight which is not a convention of film noir as film noir is generally the opposite.
- Camera merges between scenes, long slow panning shots, slow motion.
- British markers (cobble stones, zebra crossing)
- Modern
- Theme, crime and drug industry,
- Main character is smartly dressed but not enough to stand out in a crowd.
- Camera constantly moving in the opening scenes which creates a smoothness in the scenes.
- Camera shots used to try and include the audience,
- Voiceover makes the audience feel close to the main character, film noir convention.
- Lighting used to draw audience attention to specific people and objects such as the table which two of the characters are working on.
- Lighting with the main character is warm, lighting on drugs is detatched and clinical.
The main character has a sense of humour and has all the qualities of a good person, except he isn't. These qualities make his relatable to the audience and the danger aspect of his job makes him seem exciting and adventurous.
Most of the lighting in the opening is natural in daylight which is not a convention of film noir as film noir is generally the opposite.
Notes on Film Openings
Sin City

Black and white like old film noir films but the womans dress, lips and eyes are in colour and draw audience's attention.
Iconic props:
- Cigerettes
- Lighter
- Gun
Balcony is in the dark, party in the background makes two characters look isolated, when the camera pulls up away from the scene the characters look even more lonely and insignificant against the huge cityscape.
Film Noir conventions:
- High contrast lighting, (backlighting from party inside)
- Man dressed in black suit with slicked back hair, Women dressed in a red halter neck dress which gives a look of femme-fatale, dialogue makes her look femme-fatale.
- Voiceover,
- Use of night and rain
When the voiceover is speaking after the woman was shot there was no music or soundtrack, just the sounds of the rain which means that audience focuses on what the man is saying.

Black and white like old film noir films but the womans dress, lips and eyes are in colour and draw audience's attention.
Iconic props:
- Cigerettes
- Lighter
- Gun
Balcony is in the dark, party in the background makes two characters look isolated, when the camera pulls up away from the scene the characters look even more lonely and insignificant against the huge cityscape.
Film Noir conventions:
- High contrast lighting, (backlighting from party inside)
- Man dressed in black suit with slicked back hair, Women dressed in a red halter neck dress which gives a look of femme-fatale, dialogue makes her look femme-fatale.
- Voiceover,
- Use of night and rain
When the voiceover is speaking after the woman was shot there was no music or soundtrack, just the sounds of the rain which means that audience focuses on what the man is saying.
Notes on Film Openings

Film opening:
- Sets timeframe (modern time, 21st century)
- Sets theme (Crime)
- Introduces main characters (Morgan Freeman and Brad pitt as police officers)
- Mood and Atmosphere (Somber)
- Creates enigma's
Opening shows the two main characters as opposites in personality.
Older Man - Asks strange questions, isolated, perfectionist, can't sleep (uses a metronome), lives alone, senior police officers (murders don't surprise him, used to them), dedicated
Younger Man - New to the area, looks at women, friendly, neatly dressed but not overly neat,
The camera switches from views of shaving to a murder, quite drastic difference, shocking. Soun starts before picture, sets the scene before showing one.
Opening title sequence:
- Quick flashing images
- Notebook being written in, pictures of crime scenes, words being omitted from a book, the word 'God' cut out very precisely from a newspaper, all neatly done.
- Crossing out eyes in a picture then the whole thing, sewing sheets of paper together, bandaged fingers, knife cutting fingertips, all look frantic and un-neat.
- The contrast between neat and unneat is quite stark and is unnerving.
- Reminds you of a derranged killer or stalker making a scrap book of deaths.
- Music with pictures is unsettling, close up shots of objects and working hands but the owner of the hands is not shown which is eerie.
- Different camera angles is distrubing because the audience feels unbalanced, could also be a reflection of the unknown person in the opening.
- Text in the opening is scratchy and flickers which further implies the unstable personality of the unknown person.

Film opening:
- Sets timeframe (modern time, 21st century)
- Sets theme (Crime)
- Introduces main characters (Morgan Freeman and Brad pitt as police officers)
- Mood and Atmosphere (Somber)
- Creates enigma's
Opening shows the two main characters as opposites in personality.
Older Man - Asks strange questions, isolated, perfectionist, can't sleep (uses a metronome), lives alone, senior police officers (murders don't surprise him, used to them), dedicated
Younger Man - New to the area, looks at women, friendly, neatly dressed but not overly neat,
The camera switches from views of shaving to a murder, quite drastic difference, shocking. Soun starts before picture, sets the scene before showing one.
Opening title sequence:
- Quick flashing images
- Notebook being written in, pictures of crime scenes, words being omitted from a book, the word 'God' cut out very precisely from a newspaper, all neatly done.
- Crossing out eyes in a picture then the whole thing, sewing sheets of paper together, bandaged fingers, knife cutting fingertips, all look frantic and un-neat.
- The contrast between neat and unneat is quite stark and is unnerving.
- Reminds you of a derranged killer or stalker making a scrap book of deaths.
- Music with pictures is unsettling, close up shots of objects and working hands but the owner of the hands is not shown which is eerie.
- Different camera angles is distrubing because the audience feels unbalanced, could also be a reflection of the unknown person in the opening.
- Text in the opening is scratchy and flickers which further implies the unstable personality of the unknown person.
Notes on Film Openings
Double Indemnity
-chaotic music with empty street with one slightly weaving car, still camera
-finsh 3 shot show chaos, non equalibrium, fast shots, fade to suggest a movement through time.
-backlighting, man linked to man on crutches from the beginning, enigma used.
-chiaroscuro lighting, longer shots, calm pace, camera followes him, idea of iscolation from orderell but empty desk, angular shapes, metaphorical darkness from shadows.
-backlight, lamps in room once turned on, beaurocractic job, isoclation shown by single light.
-very long shot, him getting out cigerettes, editing creates journey. relaxing audience intostory, music still going
-close shots of face, music cut and he becomes the narrator. puts us on his side, implicatioed as his side kicks/accomplies
-fade to another time/scene
-LA, bright light.
-chaotic music with empty street with one slightly weaving car, still camera
-finsh 3 shot show chaos, non equalibrium, fast shots, fade to suggest a movement through time.
-backlighting, man linked to man on crutches from the beginning, enigma used.
-chiaroscuro lighting, longer shots, calm pace, camera followes him, idea of iscolation from orderell but empty desk, angular shapes, metaphorical darkness from shadows.
-backlight, lamps in room once turned on, beaurocractic job, isoclation shown by single light.
-very long shot, him getting out cigerettes, editing creates journey. relaxing audience intostory, music still going
-close shots of face, music cut and he becomes the narrator. puts us on his side, implicatioed as his side kicks/accomplies
-fade to another time/scene
-LA, bright light.
Notes on Film Openings
In Bruges
British Gangster Thriller
Film opening - In Bruges
Conventionsl Thriller:
- Close ups of church things
- Voiceover about murder, slang
- Talking snd imsges of london
- Secret about guy/his reaction
- Scenic shots
- Old guy in light s lot. young guy in dark wearing black
- Contrast, gothic, alleys, cobbles, angular
- Weather
Unconventional Thriller:
- Comedy
- Open spaces/light
- Personality of old guy
- Reference to modern culture
- Public, not desolate
British Gangster Thriller
Film opening - In Bruges
Conventionsl Thriller:
- Close ups of church things
- Voiceover about murder, slang
- Talking snd imsges of london
- Secret about guy/his reaction
- Scenic shots
- Old guy in light s lot. young guy in dark wearing black
- Contrast, gothic, alleys, cobbles, angular
- Weather
Unconventional Thriller:
- Comedy
- Open spaces/light
- Personality of old guy
- Reference to modern culture
- Public, not desolate
Monday, 9 November 2009
Notes on Film Openings
Essex Boys

Film noir conventions, high contrast lighting, background lighting to creat silhouettes. Voiceover of main character to make audience feel connection to him. Tunnel is a metaphor, light from tunnel making bar shaped lines on the car which ties in to the other character having recently gotten out of prison. Bleak landscape, simple ominous music, femme-fatale.
Lots of natural lighting is used but the sky is quite overcast which makes the scene look gloomy. Lots of close up and medium shots used, although the long shot of the van leaving the moor is very good because it shows the isolation of the area and the characters.

Film noir conventions, high contrast lighting, background lighting to creat silhouettes. Voiceover of main character to make audience feel connection to him. Tunnel is a metaphor, light from tunnel making bar shaped lines on the car which ties in to the other character having recently gotten out of prison. Bleak landscape, simple ominous music, femme-fatale.
Lots of natural lighting is used but the sky is quite overcast which makes the scene look gloomy. Lots of close up and medium shots used, although the long shot of the van leaving the moor is very good because it shows the isolation of the area and the characters.
Notes on Film Openings
The Black Dahlia

Noir Conventions:
Cigerettes, Voiceover, Light, Sepia colours, Flashbacks, Fighting, Radio Commentary lying about scene, Police, Audience questioning good vs evil (which is which), Blinds, Lamps, Face half in shadows, Slang, Mood and atmosphere change from scene to scene.
The opening scene create enigmas:
- Why are they fighting?
- Why are the police watching but not stopping the fight?
- Why was the main character not fighting?
Clothing of fighters is contrasted, Voiceover mentions binary opposite "fire and ice", The street is dark and the lighting is hightly contrasted with the street lamps and fire. The camera pulls back along the road to show the fighting and the noise fades in to shock the audience.

Noir Conventions:
Cigerettes, Voiceover, Light, Sepia colours, Flashbacks, Fighting, Radio Commentary lying about scene, Police, Audience questioning good vs evil (which is which), Blinds, Lamps, Face half in shadows, Slang, Mood and atmosphere change from scene to scene.
The opening scene create enigmas:
- Why are they fighting?
- Why are the police watching but not stopping the fight?
- Why was the main character not fighting?
Clothing of fighters is contrasted, Voiceover mentions binary opposite "fire and ice", The street is dark and the lighting is hightly contrasted with the street lamps and fire. The camera pulls back along the road to show the fighting and the noise fades in to shock the audience.
Notes on Film Openings
The Third Man

The music is cheery and quite upbeat while the pictures are of destroyed buildings and criminal activity which is shocking to the audience. The film is set Vienna which is connected to the war and the images of churchs next to the bombed remains of buildings is highly contrasting. The voice over has a British accent which relates him to the British audience so they feel closer to him, the posh gentleman demenour is quite unnerving when he is talking about criminal activity and murder.
The opening scene has a few shocking pictures such as marching armies and a dead body floating in a river. These are medium shots. The Third Man also does some canted shots which are unnerving because the audience feels unbalanced. The voice over is quite familiar to the audience, treating them like friends.

The music is cheery and quite upbeat while the pictures are of destroyed buildings and criminal activity which is shocking to the audience. The film is set Vienna which is connected to the war and the images of churchs next to the bombed remains of buildings is highly contrasting. The voice over has a British accent which relates him to the British audience so they feel closer to him, the posh gentleman demenour is quite unnerving when he is talking about criminal activity and murder.
The opening scene has a few shocking pictures such as marching armies and a dead body floating in a river. These are medium shots. The Third Man also does some canted shots which are unnerving because the audience feels unbalanced. The voice over is quite familiar to the audience, treating them like friends.
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