I asked the question "Are you male or female" because in my proposal I wanted to know if males and females have different preferences of genres and how they found out about films. I gave 10 questionnaires out to males and 10 out to females so I would have more balanced results.

I asked "How do you hear about films" and tallied the results. I found that most of the people who answered the questionnaire found out about films through trailers, but they also found out through other means such as word of mouth and posters. I noticed that more males found out about films through word of mouth than females and more females found out about films through posters than males. It seems that males who took my questionnaire tell each other about films they've seen more than the females, this could be because they're are currently more male targetted films screening at Norwich cinemas such as '2012' and 'Jennifers Body'.

I found with this question about genres that the 10 females who took the questionniare liked Thriller and Horror more than the 10 males that took the questionnaire, and that the males liked Comedy and Action more than the females. Comedy was a choice for most of the questionnaire takers. I think that Action films was chosen more by males because Action films are mostly targetted at males, and I think that females liked Thrillers and Horrors more because of the atmosphere that they create - "It's the thrill of getting freaked out which makes you want to watch Horror films once in a while" (Female Questionnaire Taker)

Most of the males and females that took the questionnaire prefered to watch films at the cinema or on TV rather than the internet. I asked why they chose the answers they did (many of the takers choose more than one) to get qualitative data. These are the results I got:
Cinema -
"I like the big screen, it's a quiet romantic place"
"Best quality"
"Better experience" x2
"To be with friends"
TV -
"It can be with friends and family and it has breaks"
"Cheaper" x3
Internet -
"Can't be bothered to leave the house"
The males had varied responses to why they liked the cinema/TV/internet. Most of the males that chose the TV chose it because of money, while the males that chose the cinema chose it because of experience/quailty and social reasons.
Cinema -
"To be with friends" x4
"Experience" x2
TV -
"Cheaper" x3
"Easier" x3
Internet -
"Quicker" x2
The female takers had less varied responses than the males, the ones that chose TV and Internet said it was easy and cheap and the ones that chose the cinema said it was for the experience and to be with friends.

Most male and female takers liked viewing films at the Vue, I think this is because it is the easiest to get to as it is in the middle of the city. Vue has more screens and screenings for newly released films so it is more prefered by both male and female teenagers.
Good Miriam. There are some interesting results here about the differences between male and female audiences and you can use these findings to inform what you do in your own production.