Conventional film noir themes:
- Voiceover
- Dark room, lit with lamps
- Iconic props, guns, cigerettes
- sets a timeframe of the 80s/90s with the old fashioned type writers and attitude to family life.
Non-conventional film noir themes:
- Mood is happy
- Bright sunshine, natural light
- Jazzy music
- Colour
- Wide open spaces
- Public places
Music starts before picture. Voiceover sets a scene of LA being wonderful and amazing, but he suddenly changes and talks about the dark side of LA which contrasts his happy demenour and the jazzy music.
Main characters introduced nut not much is said about his personality. Audience cant relate to him yet. Talks about the image of LA and how wrong it is. The voiceover talks about criminals quite lightly, saying a bodyguard is a "dapper gent" which puts a upbeat spin on a dark subject.
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