Tuesday 19 January 2010

Character Traits

Main Character:

- Slightly OCD (very neat)
- Family man
- Business/working man
- Responsible and Dedicated (to family)
- Quite wealthy

The Main character has a good life in the first part of the opening but it changes and in the second part of the opening he is homeless and being chased by the second character for reasons the audience don’t know. If the film continued it would be how he came to that point in his life and why everything changed.

Second Character:

- Professional
- Quite wealthy
- Impassive and unemotional when working

The Second character is an unknown; the audience don’t know why he is chasing the Main character other than what the Main character reveals in the Voiceover. Not much is shown about the Second character in the opening; the audience only sees the back or side of him which makes him mysterious and enigmatic.

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