Thursday 8 October 2009

Advert Idea

In my perfume advert I had the idea of a female model standing with the light of a sunrise behind her so she is in shadow and silhouetted. The colours would be quite dull and the perfume would be colourful to draw the eye.

I choose a sunrise as a background because the perfume is going to be called 'Dawn' and so the background would link with the perfume name and make it more memorable. The sunrise will also make a haze around the model and the light coming from behind the model will make her a silhouette and make a stronger picture. The colours used for the background will be soft pinks and yellows and the perfume bottle will have a similar colour to the background, either pink or yellow to link it to the scene, although the perfume bottle will have a brighter colour so it draws the attention. I decided to have the model silhouetted because it will make the model look more seductive and enigmatic. I have decided to have the model wearing a shorter dress because it implies confidence. The silhouettes with longer dresses look like they are going to a party which would imply that the perfume is only for special occasion use, soI decided to have the model wearing a shorter dress becuase it looks less formal and so the perfume does too.

The perfume is going to be in the foreground of the picture and be quite big and colourful so it catches attention, it will most likely be a brighter version of the sunrise colours, so either dark pink or golden yellow.

The genre of the advert is going to be seduction and romance and the target audience is 20 to 30's. The slogan will be "Feel Renewed", I chose this because the perfume is called Dawn and dawn signifies a new day and a fresh start so the slogan links in with the perfume.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for posting your planning onto your blog, I saw your ideas being realised on photoshop on Thursday and like your ideas of using the sunset as a backdrop thus the product is associated with sunshine, new beginnings etc. I look forward to seeing the finished advertisement
